

13 noviembre, 2019News

Algas Pacific® attended the 1st Conference of Vines, Asparagus, Walnut trees and Vegetables (CIVENH, ‘Congreso de Vides, Espárragos, Nogal y Hortalizas‘) which was held in late October in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora. This region is of great relevance in the Mexican agricultural production, and we continue to achieve positive results with the use of our products.

This event is intended to provide a space for specialists in agriculture (who come from countries such as Chile, Spain, and Mexico) to gather and share their experiences in the handling and production of different crops. The main topics were those related to water saving, recovery of soil, and organic farming.

As a company, we consider crucial the attendance of these events. It is in these meetings where we have a direct approach with farmers, technical advisers, researchers, marketing agents, among others who are interested in improving and promoting sustainable agriculture both at a national and international level.


We congratulate the entire team of CAPACIAGRO, who planned the event, for the success of it. Everyone who attended left highly pleased and hoping for next year’s conference.