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Regenerative agriculture

Using resources in a more sustainable way.The soil is the main component in agriculture– without soil, there are no crops. For that same reason, and in order to ensure a long-term use of it, it is essential to provide adequate care. The constant use of untended...

Sea gardeners rescue Baja California’s cranberry

NewsBy Viko R. Rodríguez / Reportervictor.rodriguez@oceanroom.mx Baja California. - Planting and harvesting cranberries, like any other export crop, comes with its challenges; and one of these can be found in the roots. Cranberries' roots often...


NoticiasAlgas Pacific® attended the 1st Conference of Vines, Asparagus, Walnut trees and Vegetables (CIVENH, 'Congreso de Vides, Espárragos, Nogal y Hortalizas') which was held in late October in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora. This region is of great relevance in...