
Algas Pacific® in CONAFIH 2019

13 noviembre, 2019News

Algas Pacific® participated in the 6th National Conference for Vegetables’ Health and Safety (CONAFIH, ‘Congreso Nacional de Fitosanidad e Inocuidad en Hortalizas’) which was held in late August in the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa.

We have participated in this event every year in order to share the experience of using our products for the control and mitigation of the effects of phytopathogens in different types of vegetables.

This conference is very important and meaningful to us since the official launch of CopperKelp®, our most recent product, took place there in 2018.

This time, the engineer Erick Guerrero, who is in charge of R&D, showed the attendees some of the results obtained from the treatment of crops of the area and the crops’ response against fungi and bacteria such as xanthomonas, pseudomonas, fusarium, phytophthora, among others.

We are pleased to participate in this kind of events where the feedback received from producers and agricultural advisers is always positive.